+39 070 92440217

District Court

Every exposed stone, its old iron doors and austere structure – these all reflect its past life as a place of detention. Today, this former district court in Pula’s historical centre celebrates the joy of marriage. The internal courtyard and portico, adorned with soft American grape vines, is an ideal setting that lends itself to both the most simple and the most elaborate wedding decorations. And the old cells situated on the ground floor, full of flowers and light, enhanced by fresh bright colours, leave their dark origins behind, transforming themselves into an intimate treasure chest that will keep eternal love safe.


*at least one of the parties getting married

Residents* during office hours: €150,00
Residents* outside office hours (from Monday to Friday): €200,00
Residents* (Saturday): €300,00

Non-residents during office hours: €300,00
Non-residents outside office hours (from Monday to Friday): €400,00
Non-residents (Saturday): €500,00

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    Pula and its surrounding area

    An unforgettable holiday in southern Sardinia.

    In Pula you can have an unforgettable holiday as guests of a magical land that is not just enchanting in the summer, but all year round. This is an area that is exceptionally rich in beautiful natural and archaeological locations and the town of Pula has a long tradition of welcoming visitors.